Tomorrow, the 27th of Sept, I’m joining a Round Table discussion on the Future of Sustainability in the Nautical Sector called “Mare Futuro” at the Monaco Yacht Show. It’s exciting to see how different industries are adopting sustainability across its business – and when it comes to the toys of the superrich – their yachts – sustainability is also gaining traction.

Even though it might sound like greening up a Hummer, which eventually filed for bankruptcy in 2010, it’s nevertheless a welcomed step. Yes, Hummer and the superyachts have certain similarities, it’s really not a necessity, but a luxury bestowed the few, but a quick adoption of sustainability at the shipyards might add a happy ending instead of downfall like Hummer. In a highly competitive market sustainability adds a needed competitive edge, where the yachts usually have been all about looks and luxuries. Sustainability simply delivers to the bottom line of these shipyards.For the owners of these superyachts sustainability future-proofs their investment while adding day-to-day cost efficiencies and limits their carbon offsetting. Nothing can be taken for given as we approach a post-carbon future.

When researching for this event I came across a magnificent superyacht – the Tesla of the seas – the Ocean Supremacy. Although still on the drawing board, the vision of the ship powered by wind, sun and waves add hope to the industry and a chance that ultimately the luxury of the few shouldn’t be paid by people or planet.


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