The 16 October, the independent media company, Ethical Markets, and co-sponsors announced 10 finalists for the EthicMark® Awards 2019. This an award Thomas Kolster has helped judging for the past years.
The EthicMark® Awards continued identifying advertising and communications that uplift the human spirit and society. The Awards honour media campaigns inspiring progress toward global awareness and the Sustainable Development Goals.
EthicMark® goals and criteria raise the ethical bar: showcasing communications which reinforce healthy lifestyles and behaviors for consumers, youth and community. The product and the company/organisation has to meet high standards of integrity, responsibility, transparency and fairness, while respecting diversity.
The five finalists in for for-profit category are:
KLM Fly Responsibly, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Netherlands
Do Black Carbon Credit Card, Doconomy, Sweden
Minding the Gender Gap, P&G, USA
Black Supermarket, Carrefour, France
Hydroponic School Gardens, Scotts Miracle Grow, USA
The five finalists in the non-profit category are:
Global Challenge 1, Millennium Project, Global Network
Global Warming, Guardian, UK
Autism School on Minecraft, Tohum Autism Foundation, Turkey
Impact: The Musical, Jed Emerson, USA